An Interesting Year


As we creep to the end of 2016 we reflect upon the changes we have seen throughout the year, especially in the way the public utilise the internet as well as our client’s requirements.

We have seen considerable loyalty from our clients, understanding that we at Bath Business Web and Website Design in want the best for their business and seeing the majority of them taking on board our advice and knowledge in moving forward to ensure that their company image and portfolio is of a professional status.  It’s great to see the growth in clients business with the applied improvements attracting quality referrals.

  • 91% of searchers do not go past page one
  • 50% of searchers do not look past the top 3 results
  • 53% of searches are via mobile
  • 50% of mobile users will leave a web page if it takes more than 10 seconds to load.

These statistics show how visitors interact with your website. We have been keeping on top of these changes, noticing that even though you may have been recommended to a potential customer they will still research you online expecting to see a professionally built website. Click the link

In this competitive world and marketplace, businesses are having to step up their game to be in line with their competitors.  With the uncertainty of Brexit, we all need to make sure that every avenue has been covered, ensuring that your company is receiving maximum exposure in this vicious marketplace. Would you go into battle unarmed? Or would you be prepared and fully equipped?

We understand the need to save money in your business, we are after all a business ourselves but one area we feel you should invest in is your company website being built by professionals. The knowledge and expertise that goes into creating your site are not comparable with a DIY website builder. Many of our new clients have found they just weren’t being found on Google and therefore were not receiving new business because of their DIY site. We find that once a potential customer understands that we offer a comprehensive digital marketing solution including social media and not just a template website, the decision is clear.

In all, it has been a mixed year, with social media and phone searches reaching an all-time high but reluctance from some to get involved and push their business forward to prepare for the future.

If you would like to discuss your digital marketing needs with us, feel free to get in touch or visit our website.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all the team at Bath Business Web

01225 920503
